2020 President-Elect: Dr. Carrie Castañeda-Sound

Congratulations to Dr. Carrie Castañeda-Sound, who has been elected as SPW’s next President-Elect! Below is a statement from Dr. Castañeda-Sound.

I want to thank you for electing me to serve Division 35 as president-elect. I am both honored and humbled to lead a division that has been my touchstone within APA since 2007. For those of you who I have not met, I wanted to share a little about my involvement with SPW. I was the secretary and then the president of Section 3 (Concerns of Latinas) beginning in 2007 until 2012. The last year and a half I have served as SPW’s secretary and I have enjoyed working closely with our elected EC. In addition to my many mentors within SPW,  my mother and grandmothers taught me valuable lessons about feminist leadership and advocacy. In fact, I remember my great-Aunt telling me that I didn’t have time to be shy and to not fear speaking up. She said, “Mija, there’s too much work to be done.”  As we can see from the recent uprisings against racism and injustice, we still have a lot of work to do; but I am confident that we are well-positioned as a division to meet the challenges we are facing.



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